

Embedded with modern day technologies, the interactive classrooms offer a friendly environment to the students where they may clear all their concepts while having endless fun. Benefits of digital classrooms are a lot more than one can ever think of. They are ideal for educating the little angels about the most basic rules of learning and also help them in retaining their knowledge. This technology has not only changed the perspective of students towards studying but has also helped the teachers in preparing dynamic multi-media lessons which can be interesting for students. Learning is more of a fun and less of a burden with the introduction of such digital classrooms in education. Educators can interact with all the viewers and thus keep every individual engaged and focused. Moreover, they may also organize student collaboration in smart classrooms which may help the students in building up healthy communication with each other.


It supports and promotes the school’s differentiated learning goals.
The Resource Centre has two wings – one for student/teachers and the other for senior classes. It has over 6,000 books and is open from 8.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Books/Magazines are issued to all the students, teachers and members of the school for a duration of one/two week(s). It is important that children feel comfortable in library and enjoy a less formal atmosphere. It is only in the relaxed surroundings of the library and resource centre that many good learning habits are developed at the start of the learning years. Students acquire skills that give them confidence which last long beyond their days of formal education.


There is one lab with 40 PCs in it. All the PCs are equipped with the required hardware and software as per the CBSE norms. The computer lab also has a projector for showing live demos on various topics. Each student is provided an individual system for practical’s to ensure that he/she gets sufficient time to complete the practical assignment.


The school is proud of an utmost state of the art chemistry lab, richly equipped with high quality chemicals, apparatus and work infrastructure. The lab can accommodate around 40 students who get the opportunity to explore the world of chemistry by way of a wide variety of experiments and projects.


Our Physics lab is very spacious, neat and clean and can accommodate students comfortably. It is well-equipped and maintained on regular basis. Some working models and charts are displayed so that they will help students for preparing their projects. Practical lab manuals, reference books, project reports are available for students as teaching-learning aid.


The Biology lab is spacious and well-equipped with the latest devices and well- maintained specimens. One of the most popular attractions in our lab is the Human Skeleton. Quite a few times our biology lab work extends beyond textbook experiments as we conduct physiological experiments which give us detailed knowledge of particular concepts.


Math lab is equipped with models, charts and manipulative puzzles. Students are able to understand concepts like theorems and laws in an easy way. Our math teachers are enhancing the math lab with the involvement of students. They teach concepts in class and for better understanding they ask them to represent the concepts with models and puzzles. Students love such activities and they feel proud when their work is displayed in the math lab. Our math teachers involve students in math drawings and Vedic math also.


Lab is being provided to the children where different Innovative techniques of making designs and models are taught to the children.            Improved learning methods: even though students are traditionally taught through books and theory, kinesthetic learners prefer to learn through using aids and materials. 3D printing allows students to bring any subject matter to life as a physical aid to engage them, for a longer period of time, increasing their learning and improving their problem solving and critical thinking capabilities.

Helping students to improve: using this technology in our school has helped students to improve in their area. For example, a student designing something can make a prototype to analyze and enhance upon, or a student wanting to bake a pudding in a unique design can create his/her own cake mould.

  • Math : Some students have problems in visualizing numbers, mathematical models, diagrams and graphs, where 3D printing has massive benefits as it enables students to see these through a physical representation, something tangible that they can see and touch.
  • Geography : This technology can be used to bring life geological forms on a smaller scale, helping children to understand the more complicated aspects of the subject.
  • History : most schools can’t afford to buy a dinosaur bone or maybe even a replica of one, but they can make one themselves. In fact, they can make any artifact they like helping to bring history classes to life, making them more realistic to students who will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation.


We have qualified teaching staff who train the students in creative art from early childhood. Our Annual Art Exhibition is a testimony of the interest shown by students in the field of Art. Art Education is a compulsory subject up to class VIII and thereafter, art and art appreciation are taught as a part of club activity.


Sports and games are an integral part of education at R.P.VASANI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. In addition to regular physical education teachers, visiting faculties are employed to give special coaching in various games. Currently, the school offers coaching in Football, Basket Ball, Chess, Skating, Taekwondo, Table Tennis, lawn tennis, Cricket and Carom.


The school has the facility and trained faculty to impart Vocal and Instrumental music. Music is taught as a subject up to class VIII.


Classical and western form of dance is taught to the students. Our qualified staff not only spots and identifies the talents in our students but also encourages them to participate in various events both in and outside school.


English Language lab is provided to the children to improve the pronunciation power and voice modulation. This lab will help the children to develop their communication skills as well as fluency in the language.


An air conditioned audio visual room with latest facilities (including LCD projector) to aid teaching sessions through the audio visual mode and for conducting presentations, seminars and discussions.

