Code Of Conduct For Student


  • A student should be respectful to the institution and not indulge in any act that may tarnish the image of the School.
  • He/She should respect the school authorities and the staff members.
  • Should learn to practice tolerance, be honest, self- disciplined and act ethically in dealing with others.
  • Students should be punctual to the schedule.
  • Must abhor rowdiness, misuse of property and vandalism including graffiti.
  • Should not carry any sharp objects or any prohibited items including electronic gadgets
  • Maintain the cleanliness of the campus and also learn to be committed for preserving our environment.
  • Chewing Gum is forbidden.
  • Walk smartly, briskly and in an orderly manner.
  • Regularly use the School Library, Labs and other activity rooms as prescribed by the School, adhering strictly to the rules.


  • Speak politely and in a manner which is not loud, rude or offensive.
  • Make a deliberate effort to speak fluently in English as well as develop ability to converse in other languages too.
  • Abhor the use of vulgar / abusive language/ obscene gestures towards others. Calling names, taunting, teasing, rumour- mongering and back-talk are not permitted.
  • Never comment on sensitive and sentimental issues like family, religion, nationality, socioeconomic status, beliefs, language skills and/or other personal traits of others.


  • Students will be allowed to distribute Chocolates/Sweets to their classmates. No expensive gifts should be distributed.
  • No Birthday parties are allowed in the School.
  • Students of classes V onwards must wear school uniform only on their birthdays.
  • The school does not take any responsibility of any party/celebration organized by parents/students to celebrate birthdays outside the school campus.


Coming to School regularly is an integral part of student’s life. Leave should be strictly avoided as it will affect the child’s learning and hamper his/her progress.

  • No leaves will be ordinarily allowed on any working days of the School.
  • Absence on the day before and after vacation is not permitted.
  • Leaves are permitted if a student is sick or in extraordinary circumstances only.
  • Extraordinary Leave will be granted to a student only in exceptional cases after consideration by the Principal on a case to case basis.
  • In case a leave is required for sanction, a note has to be sent through the almanac in the prescribed format.
  • Leave cannot be availed without prior sanction except in medical unavoidable cases.
  • A leave note has to be filled in the almanac before the child reports to School.
  • Students who have been on sick leave for three or more days have to bring a medical certificate from their doctor on re-joining the School.
  • A student suffering from contagious disease will not be permitted to attend school. He/She can resume school on submitting a medical fitness certificate after the quarantine period.
  • A child will not be promoted to the next class if there is shortage of attendance as per CBSE norms.
  • A certificate of merit will be given to students with 100% attendance.


  • Students from class V onwards can issue one book at a time for a period of two weeks.
  • In case a user loses a book he/she will have to compensate as per policy.
  • Library is a SILENCE ZONE.
  • No personal materials or baggage is allowed in the library.

Examination & Promotion

  • Examination and Promotion will be conducted as per amended CBSE guidelines.
  • In case a child is unwell and unable to appear for an exam, a medical certificate duly signed by registered medical practitioner will have to be submitted with medical leave application.

Non-Compliance to School Rules and Disobedience

  • Disrupting School activities or threatening behavior of any kind (including threatening any child or staff) is unacceptable / Strictly restricted.
  • Any student caught attempting to bring in and/ or found in possession of any items prohibited by the School authorities will be liable for immediate confiscation and strict action.
  • The School practices intolerance towards the below mentioned areas and any violation by any student involving the below mentioned activities will attract the severest penalties including suspension and possible expulsion:
    • Physical, Verbal and Psychological Abuse
    • Possession of Prohibited items
    • Bullying/Ragging

Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behavior, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. Bullying maybe of any one or a combination of the following :

  • Physical bullying (beating, snatching away things or making a person do undignified things while others are standing and jeering)
  • Verbal bullying (threatening, name calling or making discriminatory remarks individually or as a gang)
  • Indirect bullying (spreading rumors or organizing mass boycott against a person)

Guidelines To Parents

Parents and Guardians should:

  • Ensure that:
    • The student reaches school on or before the reporting time under all circumstances. Latecomers will not be entertained. Correspondence in this regard is discouraged their ward comes to school properly dressed and equipped.
    • Their ward brings the almanac to school daily and all identification information along with current photograph of their ward are filled in and completed in all respects and counter signed by them.
    • Expensive and branded personal items are not brought to School
  • Avoid absenteeism.
  • Once a child has come to school, he/she will not to be allowed to go on a half day leave. In case of an emergency, parents will personally come and pick up their wards. No child will be allowed to go home with an unknown person.
  • Read carefully School circulars, notes and remarks sent by the School and respond accordingly.
  • Properly mark all the items that the child brings to School to avoid their getting misplaced and encourage their wards to be responsible for his / her belongings.
  • Communicate to the School –
    • Any matter of concern with regard to the feedback received from the child.
    • Any change in address/ telephone no/others through intimation slip provided in the almanac
  • Take an interest in the child’s work and encourage high personal standards.
  • Encourage their child to –
    • Take interest in academics, co-curricular activities and sports and provide conditions that support and encourage home learning.
    • Speak in English
  • Derogatory remarks about the School, student and teacher should be avoided.
  • Courtesy is expected from the parents towards School. Discourtesy / improper behavior with School employees will be dealt appropriately.
  • Support the School policies and guidelines to ensure smooth functioning of the academic session.
  • In case of any trouble parent can meet the Principal individually. Group presentation and unnecessary gathering of parents on any issues is strictly restricted.
  • Use of mobile phones in school campus is strictly restricted (Photo & Videography is strictly prohibited)

Visiting Hours for Parents

  • Parents are welcome to visit the School to meet teachers on second Saturday between 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m and on last working day of every month between 11:30 a.m to 1:00 p.m with prior appointment (through mail/almanac) confirmed by class teacher or level coordinator.
  • Parents can meet Principal with prior confirmed appointment only (through mail/Call)on Wednesday /Saturday between 8:00 to 9:00a.m/12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. During emergency parents can meet Principal at any time during school hours.
  • Formal Parent –Teacher Meeting (PTM) are arranged to discuss the progress of wards.


  • In case of withdrawal, parent will have to send a letter or mail addressed to Principal, stating specific details of child and reason thereof.
  • A child can also be asked to withdraw in case of severe misconduct.
  • Transfer certificate will be issued only after all dues of the School are settled.
  • A minimum of 10 days prior intimation is required to process for issuing T.C.
  • Parent/Guardian need to collect the Transfer Certificate from the School and sign acceptance thereof.

Bonafide Certificate

  • Request for issue of bonafide certificate should be communicated through the almanac. Minimum 3 working days to be given for processing the same.
